Monday 2 April 2012

What Are They Doing To Number Forty-eight

    Things have definitely got stranger and stranger in the village. The Supervisor has been promoted to No.2 by No.2, and what's more there has been no sign of No.6 anywhere in the village for about a week now.
    No. 48, for former No.8, has been taken away to be put on trial! Apparently No.48 was with us then he went and gone, according to the President, and after he "went and gone" was possibly demoted and re-numbered from 8 to 48, which could possible mean, the greater the number the less important you are!
   After this, both Number 48 and No.2 were placed in individual Perspex orbit tubes, and I think that sir, the former No.6, would have found himself in the third vacant tube, if it had not been for his ability to sabotage the rocket and cause a mass evacuation of the village while a violent revolution was taking place.
    It is a pity, a great pity that I myself was not able to get away on one of the helicopters, otherwise I would be at home now writing these words in the comfort of my study, instead of the five of us huddled together around a fire in this damned cave!
   We have some supplies and fresh water, but how long the food and water will last I don't know. We hope that someone comes and finds us soon.........very soon!

Be seeing you

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