Thursday 10 May 2012

The Blue Dispenser

   New plans at Portmeirion; subject to planning permission, it is proposed that the old toilet block near the entrance to Portmeirion, is to be re-developed as a visitor centre, cafe, and a small theatre. Apparently the plans have already been submitted to Gwynnedd County Council, which has thus far met with almost unanimous support.
    The idea is, that visitors to Portmeirion can use the visitors centre to learn about the history of the Italianate Village, have a cup of coffee before actually going into Portmeirion itself. I mean just how many coffee shops does Portmeriion need? This will make seven places where you can have a cup of coffee and something to eat!

   Portmeirion has new driveway signs. There was once upon a time when the management at Portmeirion had to almost spit before they mentioned 'the Prisoner!' Most people are either unaware or have forgotten the fact, I have not. But in more recent times, sicnce the management took over the management of the Prisoner shop, they have taken the series to their busom.
   Since the mid 1980's guests staying at Portmeirion have been able to watch 'the Prisoner' on Portmeirion's own television series, a number of episodes each evening, worked out so that it is possible to watch the series in one week.
    'The Stone Boat in for a re-fit.'
       A complete refurbishment being carried out on the Stone Boat version of the Amis Reunis, which has always been painted on her bows. Along with this, not quite the electrification of the clocks, but there is now after many years, a chiming clock in the Campanile.
Photos: Rick Davy & Lee Arnall.
With credits to the Unmutual website.

Be seeing you


  1. all these photos and the news itself seems to have been taken from the unmutual's website you could at least credit them and thank them for doing all your research and work for you? i will contact the site and let them know that you are using their images without crediting.

    1. Hello Anonymous,

      Yes, that was an oversite on my part, and it will not happen again. I have given credit to the Unmutual, and please pass on my compliments to Rick davy at the Unmutual for me. It's been a long time since we were in touch.


  2. Yes!!

    Watch your step David!
    The Committee is watching..... :-D

    Ten million Posts and counting and YOU are accused of not doing research... :-D

    It's so funny when you see the prisoners who think THEY are the warders..... :-D

  3. Hello Moor,

    I like it, I like it. You have a clever use of words, and an excellent turn of phrase.

    Kind Regards
    Be seeing you
