Wednesday 23 May 2012

Teabreak Teaser

    Was Mister X's pint of mild beer poisoned or not? If it was, the barmaid Doris had to be in on it.



  1. Hi David! Couldn't it be so that the full bottle was poisoned and Doris didn't know about it(Doris seems to be apreciated by number 6 by the way) - I like Doris and I say she is harmless! ;-)
    Best wishes,

    1. Hi 731 HOP,

      Nice to hear from you. I trust you are keeping well.

      I suppose the bottle of beer could have been poisoned, but Doris never opened a bottle of beer. Its a dark beer, so that makes it a pint of Brown ale, or if it's out of the pumps, a pint of mild beer. It could be a pint of old mild and bitter beer, but we won't go into that one.
      There is of course the possibility that Mister X's pint of beer wasn't poisoned at all. Just because there's a sticker on the bottom of the glass "You have just been poisoned" doesn't mean that he was, but the effect would be just the same. Mister X drinking a cocktail of drinks to make himself sick!

      If you watch the scene carefully, from when Mister X has put the pound note on the bar. As he hangs up his cap and raincoat, in the background you can see Doris pick up a filled glass of beer, and then pretend to pull the pint from one of the pumps. This of course could mean that Doris has the poisoned pint ready for Mister X. But in reality, and for practical reasons, the pint was pulled ready for the scene, as actress Sheena Marsh who plays the role of Doris, was not a barmaid, and therefore couldn't pull a pint from the pump, so it was done for her. The same trick was used in my film 'Village Day.' You will also observe that the pint of beer placed on the bar by Doris has no head, it's flat. But the pint Mister X drinks has a slight head of froth on it.

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you

    2. :-) Gee, I'm voiceless! Thank you for your explanation David, I definitely ought to watch this episode again.
      I'm fine, thank you, I do hope everything goes right for you too! Have a lovely week end,
      Kind regards

    3. Hello Caroline,

      Everything goes very well for me thank you. And it's going to be a good holiday weekend, with the Queen's Diamond Jubiliee, and it begins for me today. And I intend to enjoy a long quiet weekend.

      I tell you this. When I read your comment I checked the scene in 'The Girl Who Was Death,' and it was for the first time that I saw Doris pick up that pint of beer. So you see there's always something to observe in 'the Prisoner.'

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you

  2. Sonia, the girl who was Death, was quite sneaky and swift when she swapped the cricket ball earlier in the episode. Perhaps she did a similar switch with the pint.... so fast that the camera didn't even pick it up!

    be seeing you

    1. Hello ZM72,

      Perhaps so. Anything is possible.

