Tuesday 15 May 2012

Thought For The Day

       We know that Number Six rejected his number the moment he was discharged from the hospital the day after his arrival in the Village. "I'm not a number" he told the new Number Two "I am a person." Yet when Number 6 encounters people like Nadia during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben,’ he freely admits that no names are used in The Village, only numbers, and freely admits to her that he is Number 6!
   They stripped the Prisoner of his name, his very identity, and gave him a number. Then in 'The Schizoid Man' when they took even that away from him, the Prisoner is desperate to maintain that identity, to prove that he is Number 6! Even in 'Many Happy Returns the Colonel uses his new name, "You're a stubborn fellow Number Six." In normal circumstances the Colonel would have used his ex-colleagues name!
   Number Six...a name? Well why not?


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