Thursday 28 June 2012

A Few Observations

   2,000 free work Units, that's the special merit award No.6 won for his sculpture at the Exhibition of Arts & Crafts. As a matter of interest, that's the precise sum of £2,000 per week, McGoohan was earning at the time!
    Cobb is another citizen not seen to wear his numbered badge. Even in hospital patients wear their badge!
    I wonder if the guardians first victim in ‘Arrival’ was blind? That would account for him dodging about the way he did. He could hear the guardian, but couldn't see it coming at him. And if that is the case, it makes the killing even much more black and violent.
    Just think, if they had not involved No.6 in the plot to murder the retiring No.2 in It's Your Funeral, the plot would have worked!
    When No.2 telephones No.6 in ‘Once Upon A Time’ No.6 says "I know your voice." It would have been remarkable if No.6 had forgotten so soon after their encounter during ‘The Chimes of Big Ben.’ Seeing as how originally ‘Once Upon A Time’ was to have followed on after ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’. But having said that, there must have been a gap of some description between the two original placing of the two episodes in the screening order. Because No.2 says to No.6 "I've been here before." which suggests that No.2 has been away, and then later brought back to The Village, which is actually confirmed in a telephone conversation between No.2 and No.1. "You can say what you like. You brought me back here."
    If No.1 and No.6 are one and the same, two sides of the same person. No.1 is the evil side, and No.6 is the one with the conscience, and that's perhaps why he resigned, it was a matter of conscience!
    "They" seem to know what No.6 is thinking, how he will react to any given situation. That's because "they" have No.1, who is of the same mind as No.6. Perhaps then "they" should have asked No.1 why No.6 resigned!

Be seeing you

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