Sunday 17 June 2012

Information And Observation

    The later scene of the Lotus Seven being driven down the ramp into the Abingdon Street underground car park during Many Happy Returns, is an out-take from the film of the opening sequence of Arrival. Usually there is a pedestrian who is visible, yet is absent in the carbon copy towards the end of Many Happy Returns.
    Again during Many Happy Returns having successfully navigated his way back to the village aboard the Gloster Meteor jet aircraft, and thereby having discovered its location, there is an aerial shot of an island and the peninsula. This exact same shot is used for the ‘Danger Man’ episode of ‘Someone is Liable To Get Hurt,’ and that of  ‘The Avengers’ episode entitled ‘The Superlative Seven.’
    And seeing as we are on the matter of the coast, from his somewhat precarious position aboard Bell Ten helicopter, clinging to the frame, there is an aerial view of the cliffs and sandy beach below. This is not in fact the cliffs and beach at Beachy Head, but the cliffs and sandy beach of the Village-Portmeirion!
    I bet you've noticed this one; At the beginning of Checkmate as the citizens stand motionless while the white membranic mass of the village guardian bounds and rolls past, there is no human chessboard set out on the lawn. Yet by the time the chess champion and No.6 arrive at the lawn the chessboard has been laid out and a human chess match is waiting to begin. All that is required is the white Queens pawn!
    During the episode of ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’ No.6 is seen to be pacing up and down in his study of '6 Private', whilst eating a sandwich and drinking some form of beverage. This while No.2 and the Colonel watch on the wall screen in No.2's office of the Green Dome. The Colonel when asked what he makes of the fellow on the wall screen, responds "Anybody who spends his time doing that, must be rather stupid." This Colonel seems to have a very low opinion of our friend No.6. But I digress, the afore mentioned scene was lifted from Once Upon A Time, which had been filmed some six months previous to the episode Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, but which was shown a few weeks after it.
    The late Alexis Kanner featured in two episodes, ‘Living In Harmony’ and ‘Fall Out,’ as the Kid and No.48 respectively. And in both the opening sequences to both the episodes the name Alexis kanner has beeh squared, framed if you prefer, this to place an emphasis upon the actors name, can't imagine why! I never did understand why this was done. Although Alexis Kanner played a cameo role of a photographer in ‘The Girl Who Was Death,’ he was never credited. And was Kanner's voice really that of the voice on the record in the record booth, as someone once claimed? If it is you could have fooled me, but I suppose it very well might be.
    Whilst No.2 in the embryo room of ‘Once Upon A Time’ is dressed in teachers robes and mortor board, he tells his prize pupil to report to his study in the morning "break." Many people over the years of Prisoner appreciation have thought No.2 was referring to No.6 as "Drake", "Meet me in my study during the morning Drake" meaning John Drake of Danger Man. But this is a simple case of mistaken hearing, mistaking the word "break" for "Drake."
    During Fall Out seen on the large screen is the Prisoner's Lotus Seven being cleaned and polished as his London home is being made ready for his return.
  The mechanic dressed in overalls polishing the Lotus Seven is Graham Nearn from Caterham Cars, the company which supplied the Lotus Sevens for the Prisoner.

Be seeing you

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