Tuesday 12 June 2012

Information & Observation

    ‘It’s Your Funeral’ sees not one No.2, but a total of 4-No.2's. One who has been on leave, his heir presumptive and two further interim No.2's who put me in my of..... oh well it will come to me in a moment. But what about this leave business? Since when was No.2 allowed to go on leave? And to be honest it was hardly worth his while coming back, seeing as he was about to retire! That must have meant that in the normal course of events, not being assassinated or executed by his own people, No.2 would have been gracefully retired to the old peoples home!
    ‘A Change of Mind’ seems to have a touch of the far east about it. There is an oriental gentleman addressing a meeting of the social group "There can be no mitigation. We all have a social obligation to stand together." Then there's No.2, who likes nothing more than to spout off those sayings of his such as "He who ploughs a straight furrow needs hoe for nothing." This in the way that Chinese Chairman Moa had his sayings, but put them down in that little red book of his. And this No.2 is projecting the image of one that cares about the people, in a similar way as Chairman Moa would, but at the same time hiding something dark and dangerous underneath. And then there's the title of 'Chairman.'
    And 12 hours in a crate, I know where my first port of call would be, to answer the call of nature! And that's another thing, doesn’t' anyone in the village go to the toilet? We sometimes see No.6 emerging from the bathroom as his maid makes him his hot chocolate night cap. In ‘Many Happy Returns’ when he turns the shower on, but there's no water. And after he has cleaned his teeth in ‘Checkmate,’ only to emerge from the bathroom to find that it is No.8 who is making him his cup of hot chocolate. Perhaps McGoohan thought this enough to suggest the good citizens at their toilet!
    The themes explored in the episodes of the Prisoner covering a wide range of topics from education, drugs and computers, to the use of violence and coercion to achieve their aims. From relationships, Identity, individuality, to freedom and the community and society as a whole. The struggle of the central character No.6 to maintain his individuality and identity. His fight against bureaucracy and the village as a whole. The series uncompromising stand made it unpopular at times with the great general viewing public, who were used to more straightforward viewing. However the Prisoner has demonstrated its enduring appeal and has long since reached 'cult status.'
    Strange this observation, as how the characters name 'Cobb' in Arrival became the initials for ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ - COBB
   ‘A Change Of Mind’ would have made a good title for the following episode of ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My darling,’ and in turn that could have been the title for ‘Living In Harmony,’ the song 'Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling' the song from the film High Noon.
    ‘The Prisoner’ remains one of television's most memorable offerings, attracting new fans from all around the world today, 40 years after it's creation, and draws thousands of visitors to Portmeirion. Well seasoned fans still talk about and discuss topics associated with the Prisoner, and new fans to the series are only just beginning to ask questions of their own today.
   A piece of trivia; there is never any litter to be seen about the village. The road sweepers must start early in the morning, before anyone else is up and about in fact. Or could it be because Sir Clough Williams-Ellis made sure that the film crew and cast of the Prisoner cleared up after themselves, and that they left Portmeirion as they found it!

I’ll be seeing you

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