Monday 4 June 2012

Teabreak Teaser

It has often been pondered upon about exactly where was the Prisoner going when seen behind the wheel of his car during the opening sequence? Well there's no mystery about that. Quite obviously the Prisoner was driving to London, that was his destination, and where he eventually arrived. Yet strangely no-one has asked the question  "Where is the Prisoner driving from during the opening sequence?    
     He could have been making a call in the country, on the Colonel, as he once did in ‘Many Happy Returns.’ Wherever he had been, one thing is for sure - the Prisoner's in one hell of a hurry to get away or to arrive!



  1. According to the end of 'Fall Out', Drake is driving from his home!

    However, I have my own theory...

    1. Hello Steve,

      Yes, the Prisoner does drive from his own home in London, we see that in 'Fall Out.' Yet if the Prisoner was driving from Buckingham Place past the Houses of Parliament, he would not have to drive across Westminster bridge as we see in the closing scene of 'Fall Out.' And then all of a sudden he's driving along the runway of an areodrome, the beginning of 'Arrival.'

