Saturday 2 June 2012

The Therapy Zone

By Hook Or By Crook

    From the opening dialogue between No.2 and No.6 during the opening sequence, we are given to just how determined the villages administration is to gain the information which is inside No.6's head. and by hook or by crook they'll get it.
    But did the Villages administration really make the most of their opportunities to gain the reason behind No.6's resignation? Why didn't they simply put him into solitary confinement to get what they want and be done with it? And if they are as determined as they first appear to be, there are truth drugs, scopolamine for one. And it is a singular fact is it not, that after the episode of The Schizoid Man the village administration appeared to lose interest in No.6's reason for resigning from his job. Probably the reason is that for 6 episodes No.2 was busy dealing with other administrative details, whilst at the same time fending off No.6 from poking his nose in where it had no business!
   There are only three episodes later on in the series which deals with the reason behind No.6's resignation, ‘A Change of Mind,’ ‘The Girl Who Was Death’ and ‘Once Upon A Time’ which was really the most serious attempt to extract the reason for No.6's resignation. And of course we were told, or perhaps you were not listening. No.2 was, and he still wasn't satisfied!
   6 attempts out of 17 in which attempts were made to extract the required information from No.6. Not very many were there? Perhaps No.6's resignation was merely a ploy with which to have the Prisoner abducted to the village, as they saw him to have a future with them. Or perhaps it was the case that it was the village from which No.6 resigned, being a previous No.2 maybe, or Number 1 trying to wash his hands of the entire affair!


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