Thursday 7 June 2012

The Therapy Zone

The Lighthouse Is The Rocket!

    Well of course Professor Schnipps had completely lost the plot, which is strange for such a clever man as he, yes I did say clever. Because even though the entire London area was to have been laid entirely in ruins, he still thought of giving Bond Street to his daughter, and Wembley football stadium to the Scottish Marshal, there is a thin line between insanity and genius, is there not? Now I know, and so do you, that the episode of ‘The Girl Who Was Death’ is a fairytale told by No.6 to children everywhere. But last night as my wife and I sat watching the episode of ‘The Girl Who Was Death,’ I couldn't help but wonder exactly how Professor Schnipps did it, put that rocket inside the lighthouse I mean.
   The question is, was the lighthouse built up around the rocket, or was the top of the lighthouse removed, the interior then stripped out and the rocket lowered down inside? Whichever way it was done, it would have been a construction task and a half! That's what I mean by clever, or then again, perhaps a plan such as this, to actually see to a rocket hidden inside a lighthouse, could only have been devised by a madman in the first place. And only a case of sheer lunacy would think about it in the second place!
   And now I intend to retreat to Moscow. Be seeing you next time if I don't freeze in the snow first!

I’m On Our Side

   This is what the Prisoner tells the New No.2 during ‘Arrival’ who wants to know where the Prisoners loyalty lies. But of course that depends on whose side you're on. "I'm on our side" the Prisoner responds. So does this throwaway remark mean that the Prisoner knew which side runs the village right from the beginning? that being his own people. The answers are there, to the questions one might ask.


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