Saturday 9 June 2012

The Therapy Zone

The Village

    It’s a cracking film, but has nothing to do with ‘the Prisoner,’ well not directly anyway. It turned out that this village, which I thought to be in the late 1800's, was actually founded at some point in the late 1970's! this when Edward Walker, a Professor of American history at the University of Pennsylvania approached other people he met at a grief counselling clinic after his father had been murdered. He asked them if they wished to join him in an idea he had. It was from this "idea" that ‘The Village’ grew. A secluded town in the middle of a wildlife reserve purchased with the Edward's fortune, a place where they would be protected from any aspect of the outside world. The Walker estate pays to maintain the Ranger Corps, the Ranger's make sure no-one goes into the wildlife reserve to "disturb the animals". The Walker estate paid off the government to keep the entire wildlife reserve a "no-fly zone". Once ‘The Villag’ was created, it appeared the original Elders rolled back the clock to the late 19th century to what they thought was a simpler, more peaceful time.
   And who is to say that they are not happier there, than they would be in the outside world. Yet having said that, the young people who were born in ‘The Village’ would know nothing of the outside world. That is why a blind girl was sent through the woods to get medicine. That way the blind girl could see nothing of the outside world beyond the woods.
   Mind you if new people are not brought into the village, such a community will one day surely die out.
  Even though ‘The Village’ has nothing to do with ‘the Prisoner,’ I can see similarities between the two villages. One being that anyone born to ‘The Village,’ cannot know anything of the outside world. Yet having said that, anyone brought to the village would surely bring word of the outside world!

Be seeing you

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