Sunday 10 June 2012

The Therapy Zone

I’m On My Side

    Aren't we all? No.6 must be new in the village, at least that is what No.14 assumes. In time most of us join the enemy - against ourselves. Ourselves as in No.1 do you think?
   No.14 is the chess champion, an ex-Count of an old European family who used to play chess with their retainers, who were beheaded "as they were wiped off  the board" - blimy! Even Vlad the Impaler hadn't thought of that one!
   So had No.14 joined the enemy against himself? To a point I think he has. He might have fought against them for as long as he could. But now he admitted himself that he's too old for escape, and so for years No.14 has relied upon the village to take care of him and his welfare. And they don't do that if you haven't given anything in return!
   By his remark of "In time most of us join the enemy - against ourselves," could possibly mean that No.14 has gone through what No.6 is now going through. Except No.6 is of a stronger character, and determination to remain himself against all odds.


   They say that no matter where you go, no matter what you do, they will catch up with you sooner or later. Well it seems that No.73's husband is doing well in avoiding being abducted to the village. Because having failed to find him, they have brought this poor woman to the village instead, in an attempt to get her, No.73 to betray her husband by telling them where he is.
   But hang on a minute! They do know where he is, or at least where he was.... with that woman Marya! It just goes to show that the village's administration is not as infallible as they would like themselves to be. After all, they’re asking the wrong woman. Why not bring the woman Marya to the Village?

Be seeing you

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