Saturday 23 June 2012

The Therapy Zone

Basically The Prisoner Is This
    Arrival - a man resigns his job, is abducted, and so there is a new arrival in the village.
The Chimes of Big Ben - No.2 makes the first strong attempt to extract the reason behind the Prisoner's resignation
    A B & C - A different tack this one. No.2 believes that No.6 was going to sell out, he wants to know what he had to sell and to whom he was going to sell it.
    Free For All - Basically No.6 is taught a lesson!
    The Schizoid Man - The first attempt to break No.6!
    The General - this is an episode which does not concern No.6 directly. Not until he pokes his nose in where it has no business!
    Many Happy Returns - No.6 is taught another lesson
    Dance of the Dead - the Prisoner is put on trial.
    Checkmate - Chess, and the moves people make in life.
    Hammer Into Anvil - Vengeance!
    It's Your Funeral - Assassination/execution!
   A Change of Mind - another attempt to make No.6 talk.
   Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling - Professor Jacob Seltzman, and the Seltzman machine.
    Living In Harmony - a reality, role playing game.
    The Girl Who Was Death an unused script for Danger Man!
   Once Upon A Time - the ultimate, test.
    Fall Out - In allegorical terms, it can mean anything. But really, a James Bond style of ending, which Patrick McGoohan said he didn't want for the Prisoner. Basically, it all depends on how you look at it!


  Why did No.1 climb up into the nose cone of the rocket?

    Well basically there was nowhere else for him to go. And he certainly didn't want t be caught by his counterpart No.6. Besides which, have you ever noticed how in television, and films, that anyone being chased by somebody else, they have this instinctive urge to go upwards. To climb, to go up stairs and ladders, but by any other means, they must ascend to a higher level in order to try and, well try to escape!

Be seeing you

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