Thursday 7 June 2012

Thought For The Day

    I have always thought it a shame the way the citizens of the Village were manipulated into turning on Number 6 the way they did in 'A Change of Mind.' Had the citizens so easily forgotten what Number 6 had done for the community in the previous episode? Ah, but they didn't actually know did they? The citizens didn't know that Number 6 had saved the good citizens from mass reprisals for the supposed assassination of the retiring Number 2. Mind you No.51-Monique knew, could she not have spoeken out in favour of the Prisoner? It would have been nice to see the new Number 2 of 'It's Your Funeral' in the next episode, because I wonder what he would have had in mind for Number 6 the day after Appreciation Day? If he survived in the position of Number 2 long enough that it!

I'll be seeing you

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