Tuesday 12 June 2012

Thought For The Day

    It seems to me, that Number 2 pictured here nibbliling on a shortbread biscuit, appears to be even more menacing than Two as he eats his cherry cake at the end of 'Arrival' of THEPRIS6NER!    I don't know why, it's excellent acting on the part of John Sharp obviously, but this particular Number 2 is the most menacing of all the Number 2's in the original series. And the way he quietly says "I'm not angry my dear friend. That is just the way things seem to be to you..................... For you agitation is a thing of the past. Lay back and rest, lay back and rest........We can have out little chat later on." Sends a chill down my spine every time I hear him utter those words!

Be seeing you

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