Tuesday 31 July 2012

The Therapy Zone

Just How Much Does The Prisoner Know?
About the village that is!

    Well he certainly knows something. He told the new Number 2 in ‘Arrival’ that he is on our side. He knew that Number 9 had been assigned to him, in the same way she had been assigned to Cobb.
    Number 6 was aware that mass reprisals would be carried out against innocent citizens if the assassination/execution took place in ‘It’s Your Funeral.’ And he knew about Degree Absolute ‘Once Upon A Time’ that it is a recognised method used in psychoanalysis, the patient must come to trust his doctor totally. That sometimes they change places!
   Okay, the Prisoner knows less than I first thought about the village. But even then he knows more than most!

The Prisoner Has Been Likened To That Of A Proverbial Onion.
    This in respect that once you peel off one layer, there is another layer beneath, and another beneath that and so on and so forth. And to get to the core of the matter, layer after layer has to be peeled away to arrive at any kind of understanding.

A Matter Of Opinion
   It was one comment made in 1976; "That there is always the possibility that the entire series means nothing at all and that it caused a great stir and lots of explanations, while all along it was merely nonsense."
   Well I certainly hope not, otherwise I've just been wasting my time, and possibly making it all up as I go along! And if that's been the case, well there's still the tremendous entertainment value of the Prisoner.

What do YOU think?

Be seeing you


  1. I once commented to someone that the problem with peeling an onion is that by the time you have finished, you are left with a pile of translucent flat sheets that now looks nothing like an onion. Enough to make one weep.

    1. Hello Moor,

      Oh that's very good.
      Your thoughts interest me. But once all the layers of 'the Prisoner' have been peeled away, what are we left with then would you say?


  2. My mother always told me not to play with my food, but to be properly grateful for having it on the plate in front of me. I guess you either like onions or you don't, but flicking bits of it round the plate will not make you like it moor.

    Bon Appetit!

    1. Hello Moor,

      I take your meaning, and nicley put.

      Be seeing you
