Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Therapy Zone

Our old Friend Curtis
It's no wonder he went completely tonto! Brought to a strange village, forced to impersonate No.6, not only impersonate but steal his whole soul! And knowing what No.6 is like, that's no mean task in anyone’s book.
And then he's attacked by Rover, the village guardian, and after he'd given the correct password! Then after being taken to hospital, well the after effects can be pretty nasty, Curtis is kept in the village, well he can't be allowed to leave the village, and he can't be allowed to wander the village, not with that face! So Curtis is kept in isolation.
And then the day comes, the day of reckoning in Fall Out. When Cutis is wheeled out of isolation, and forced once more to impersonate No.6...... well to do it once was bad enough for Curtis, but to have to do through it again a second time, well that was bound to be enough to send poor old Curtis completely round the twist!

All Six's And Seven's!
I'm not at all religious, yet during my four year in-depth study into ‘the Prisoner’ and all related material, I have had to touch on the subject of religion. The Bible, as I understand it, uses the number seven to illustrate perfection or completeness. While the number six is imperfection. If I have it wrong I'm sure someone with a better religious knowledge will correct me.
However, it does explain quite a lot about the Prisoner, and there being a lack of the number 7 in the village. I'd put that down to seven being a lucky number!

I Wish You Could Come Too!
    Number 2 is on the telephone speaking presumably to Number 1. Number 1 who has presumably expressed the wish that he could be there at the Ball in the evening, hence No.2's response "Yes, I wish you could come too."
    If Number 1 had turned up at the Ball in the evening, that would have livened things up a bit. But then how would we know? How would Number 6 know that the man behind the big door is there? Everyone will be in fancy dress and some wearing masks. Yet in a way, seing as how Number 1 and Number 6 are the Id and ego of the same person, then in a way Number 1 did attend the Ball. Except we had no concept of Number 1 at the time of 'Dance of the Dead.'

Will I be seeing you there?

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