Thursday 9 August 2012

A Brutal Attact On No.6!

   Whilst out enjoying a quiet country walk, three thugs approached and surrounded Number 6, who was at the time keeping himself to himself and at the same time, minding his own business as is his want.
   What followed was an uncalled for, brutal and vicious attack on Number 6,
who gave a good account of himself in the ensuing fight. Why these three men set upon Number 6 in such a way is not known. None of the assailants would speak to the members of the press who just happened to be passing by at the time. Needless to say, that it actually took the three ruffians to hold Number 6, who continued to struggle against their grasp of him. But it was all to no avail. Even Number 6 could not resist their hold upon him, as they bundled him into the back of a waiting taxi with an accomplice at the wheel, which then drove away at speed.
    This leaving myself and my photographic colleague Number 113b, with a long walk back along the track to the village!
   Later I caught up with Number 6 in the village at the foot of the stone steps leading up to the Green Dome and asked him what the fight had been all about. Number 6 refused to comment on the matter of the vicious and brutal attack upon him, and sternly told me to mind my own business as he walked across the road to the General Store.
   Further investigations revealed that the fourth man at the wheel of the taxi was none other than Number 14, Number 2's assistant. I tried to obtain an interview with Number 2. But he simply advised me to "keep away from No.6" if I know what was good for me. Otherwise I would be due for a "good dusting down!"

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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