Monday 27 August 2012

Map Of Your Village

    It may or may not have occurred to the citizen of the village that your actual map of your village doesn’t fully correspond with that of the village. The labour exchange as we know is just around the corner of the café, which is not marked on the map, the labour exchange being marked on the map roughly in the position of that pink looking miniature Chatsworth house. Neither is Town Hall marked or general store marked on the map and the chess lawn doesn’t seem to exist or the row of cottages to the left of the green dome. No arches over the road, nor by the Labour Exchange. This together with how the buildings along the street along to the Town Hall do not correspond to the street in your village! And as for the Palace of Fun marked on the colour map of your village seems to be superfluous, as well as the Citizen’s Advice Bureau being put out of place on the map, together with the bell tower and Council Offices, or do they mean the Town Hall? And then there is the miss-information of there being shops in the Bell Tower area, these are cottages, one being that of Number 8 in ‘The Chimes of Big Ben.

Be seeing you

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