Tuesday 7 August 2012

Postcard From The Village

    Thursday is Appreciation Day, the day when we show our appreciation of those who govern us so wisely. Well it's a lot of rigmarole about nothing isn't it? Speeches and the unveiling of a monument, to witness the retirement of an out-going Number 2 and the promotion of his successor the new Number 2. I mean there have been so many Number 2's in recent days, they come and they go, but nothing really changes for the good in the Village. The new mural in the library is one thing, the clock golf another, and the new Cafe facilities are very much appreciated, but the new 'Blue Zone' in the post, what's that?
   I don't know how true it is, but I heard there was an anarchist, with a bomb secreted in the Great Seal of Office worn by Number 2, and was going to detonate the bomb during the Appreciation Day ceremony. That is was Number 6 who saved Number 2's life by over powering the anarchist. The man's a damned traitor to the cause!

Be seeing you   Number ?

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