Wednesday 1 August 2012

The Therapy Zone

This Session Is Called In A Matter Of Democratic Crisis!

   In the episode of ‘Fall Out,’ the proceedings are presided over by a Judge, or President as he credited as being in the closing credits of the episode.
   But what I have to ask is, to what democratic crisis is the President referring? After all there is no democracy in the Village, that has long since been proven, and confirmed by No.2 during a conversation with No.6 during the ‘Dance of the Dead.’
    No.6: "Your administration is effective, but you have no opposition."
    No.2: "An irritation we have dispensed with. Even at best, free democracy is remarkably inefficient."
   So where is the democratic crisis?  There is only the question of revolt - and three specific instances - to be dealt with here in court!

A Clerical Error

    In the episode of ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling,’ the Colonel goes to the Wold Camera shop in order to collect a box of transparencies, slides to be exact. However due to some clerical error the transparencies had previously collected by one Mr. Carmichael. Mr. Carmichael who upon discovering the mistake, returned them, so no harm had been done.
   Well just how was this Mr. Carmichael, possibly in the guise of Potter, although that is speculation on my part, but not unreasonable to assume, able to collect these transparencies without the receipt? The receipt which had been handed over by the Colonel.

The Village Is All Around Us!
   I am reminded by an old friend that the village is not so different from the capital of London after all. With its dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral, or even that of the Old Bailey, St. Stephens Tower where the bell "Big Ben" is housed, and somewhere in between the Prisoner's home of No.1 Buckingham Place.
   So where do these structures fit into the village? Well quite obviously they wouldn't, not being of the scale of building that they are. However the village does enjoy their equivalents, the Green Dome for example, the Bell Tower and somewhere in between there is  '6 Private', although this cottage contains only the study room of No.1 Buckingham Place. So using a little imagination the village can be a real "home from home" but with more pleasant architecture, and a more pleasing atmosphere for the majority of its citizens. It's really only those of No.6's disposition who take against it!
    You see all you want is here, and all they want you to be, is happy!

Be seeing you


  1. First one makes me think.. I don't know exactly wether I get you right.

    I try to see it from the point of view of the village.. Democracy is a question of acceptance and persuasion, isn't it? That's a democracy where a revolt makes a crisis. But what about its very essence, humour?


    1. Hi Jana,

      The thing is there is no democracy in the Village after the election of 'Free For All,' if there was ever any in the first place. Because by the time of 'Dance of the Dead,' demoracy has been done away with in the Village, "An irritation we've dispenced with" Number 2 tells Number 6.

      "Democracy is a form of government by the people through elected representatives. A country governed by its people, political, social or legal equality."

      Democracy is 'acceptance' by the people, but the people must be free to choose, and if necessary have the power to oust a failing government by use of the democratic process.
      In the Village there was no "free" election, as Number 6 himself stated "Everyone votes for a dictator!" And everyone voted for Number 6, it was a landslide victory. But look at some of the faces in the gathered crowd outside the Town Hall as the "new" Number 2 is presented to them. The chanting crowd fall silent, and look upon the "new" Number 2 with suspicion.
      In the Village Number 6 talks of "Acceptance of things as they are, the old regime forever, and the old Number 2 forever, it would seem that 'Persuasion' is a powerful weapon in the Village. But as Number 6 said "Everyone votes for a dictator," once elected as the "new" Number 2 doesn't Number 6 dictate to the people in trying and force his will upon the people, to force so called freedom on the people? "This is our chance, listen to me, you are free to go, free to go, free, free, free to go. I am in command, obey me and be free!" His voice booming out over the Village, but the people take no noice. It is as though the "free elections" had never taken place!

      "Humour is the very essence of a democratic society" says Number 2, I'm not sure that actually rings true, just ask those brainwashed imbiciles in the Town Hall!

      Kind regards
      Be seeing you
