Sunday 12 August 2012

The Therapy Zone

I Know too Much About You!

   This is what Number 6 told Number 2 during their, shall we say deliberations, during their time together in the embryo room. So just how did Number 6 know too much about Number 2?
   Well towards the end of ‘Fall Out’ we see the ex-Number 2 dressed in Bowler hat and business suit enter the Houses of Parliament. The Prisoner lived in the City of Westminster, he parked his car in Abingdon Street car park on his way to handing in his letter of resignation that day. So perhaps these two, the Prisoner and Number 2 were aware of each other long before their introduction in the village!

Like A Caged Tiger!

    Sounds like the Prisoner/McGoohan to me! We see in a few episodes of the Prisoner how No.6 paces the floor of his cottage, even when eating a sandwich and drinking a coffee or tea, like some caged Tiger. You will recall No.2 asking the Colonel in the episode of ‘Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling’ "What sort of opinion to you form from this fellow?" the Colonel replied "Anyone who spends his time doing that {pacing up and down in his cottage}must be rather stupid!"
    Well in an interview with Script editor and writer of Living In Harmony, Ian Rakoff said that he went to MGM for an interview with McGoohan, and when he got into McGoohan's office, he was pacing up and down like a caged Tiger!
    So it appears to me, that No.6 pacing up and down like a caged Tiger in his cottage, is a throw back to how it is in his production office. The both being one and the same!

Fascination With The Man In Isolation

   "I have always had this fascination with the man in isolation against the bureaucracy, against society, and also I've always had the constant fear that we're becoming a mineralised society more and more, and that for the individual, the rebel, shall we say, the 'arrogant individual', to survive and keep his self-respect, there has to be a certain amount of fighting against the system. So I've had this idea for years and years, probably since I was a child."
                                              { Patrick McGoohan.}

   Well this explains a great deal about his creation, its content, and the direction in which he personally drove the Prisoner series, together with those who helped produce it.
I'll be seeing you

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