Saturday 11 August 2012


    There is a film called 'Somewhere In time' in which "Christopher Reeve plays Richard Collier, a playwrite who becomes smitten by a photograph of a young woman at the Garnd Hotel. Through self-hypnosis, he travels back in time to the year 1912 to find love with actress Elise McKenna (portrayed by Jane Seymour). But her manager William Fawcett Robinson (portrayed by Plummer) fears that romance will derail her career and resolves to stop him."
   The thing about the film is, all the action takes place in Collier's subconscious, he is not physically back in 1912. The thing about the Grand Hotel is, that it has hardly changed since 1912, only the fixtures and fitting are modern. And it is by emptying his bedroom of all modern day fixtures and fittings, that Collier is able to self-hypnotise himself into believeing that he is back in the hotel in 1912. And it works, until the fatal moment when a modern day coin falls from his suit pocket. Collier sees the coin, and instantly he is brought back to his own time. And there is no going back.
   So what has this to do with THEPRIS6NER? Helen, a bio-chemist, has created the Village in her subconscious, and the Village only exists while she is heavily sedated. When she wakes up, holes begin to appear in the Village. However Helen/M2 must be woken up from time to time for nourishment. Otherwise to remain sedated would mean that eventually Helen would have died of starvation! As Richard Collier eventuntually dies of starvation. It is not an exact parallel, but simply something which occured to me the other day.


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