Saturday 4 August 2012

What’s That No.6 Up To?

  Looks like Number 6 is out on the town with Number 58 at the 'Cat & Mouse' night club.
   "What would you like sir?"
   "A drink"
   "Gin, whisky, vodka" the waitress informs him.
   "I bet you can't get me tiddly!"
   "No alcohol here sir. Gin, whisky, vodka, looks the same tastes the same" the waitress informs No.6.
   "What no Guinness?"
   "No sir, no alcohol free beer here"
   "What kind of joint it this?"
   "An alcohol free one sir" the waitress replies.
   "What prohibition?"
   "Perhaps sir would like a shandy?"
   "Don't you need beer for that?"
   The waitress thought for a moment and suggested "A whisky shandy then?"
   "Yes, bring me two whisky shandys!" No.6 agreed "One for me and one for my friend here."

  {Later at the Silver Dollar Saloon}
    "What'll it be mister?" Cathy asks the stranger.
    "I'll have a whisky shandy."
    "What's that?"
   "Whisky, beer and lemonade" the stranger explains
   "What in the same glass?" Cathy asks.
   "Yeah, in a tall glass with a head on it" the stranger tells her
   "Regulars get the first on the house" Cathy informs him
   "I'm not regular!"
   "Doc Holiday can give you something for that."
   "You trying to be funny?" the stranger asks.
   "No, I'm Cathy."
   "And I'm just passing through" the stranger tells her "I really enjoyed that whisky shandy."
   "Let me get you another" Cathy says smiling "We don't get many strangers in Harmony."
   "I'm not surprised at a dollar a shot for a whisky shandy!"
   "I don't come cheap mister"
   "Just as well I can't afford you then..... I'll be on my way" the stranger tells her.
   Then a voice from the card table "What's the hurry stranger, have another drink stranger. Cathy, another whisky shandy, I'll have a Bourbon on the rocks, the Kid'll have a pink lady, and Babyshams all round for the boys!" the Judge orders.

 Be seeing you

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