Wednesday 5 September 2012

46 Years Today

    Even though some of the filming of the opening sequence had already taken place, today is the 46th anniversary of the commencement of filming at Portmeirion. And for the month of September in 1966, there was glorious sunshine, when before it had rained, rained, and rained again. A question of the sun shining on the righteous, or the devil looking after his own!
  So in celebration of this fact, I shall be watching 'Checkmate.'

Be seeing You


  1. Good Morning David,
    Do you know I had not realised that a year had elapsed between the filming in Portmeirion and the screening of the Prisoner.
    I am confused - when were the last two Danger Man episodes filmed because I thought they were screened in February 1968 because the Prisoner was not finished.Did the Prisoner take nearly 2 years to make?Hope you dont mind me asking all these questions!-
    Thank you, Anna.

    1. A very good morning to you Anna,

      Thank you for your recent email which I thoroughly enjoyed, to which I shall be replying to later today

      The two final episodes of 'Danger Man' 'Koroshi' and 'Shinda Shima' were filmed in 1966, and finally screened as you say in February 1968 when there was a break in screening of 'the Prisoner.' That's when the screening of the series had caught up with the prodcution.
      It makes one wonder when those final two episodes of 'Danger Man' would have been screened, had it not been for the delays in production with 'the Prisoner.'
      'The Prisoner' took about 18 months to produce. and no, I do not mind in the least your asking me questions. Last night Morag and I thoroughly enjoyed watching 'Checkmate,'

      Very best wishes
      Be seeing you
