Saturday 15 September 2012

Caught On Camera

     When you think about it, in episodes which take place outside the Village, there a number of ordinary people, driving vehicles on the roads, cyclists, and pedestrians in the streets, who quite innocently appear in 'The Prisoner.' It is quite apparent that no attempt was made to edit these people out of the scenes, or re-shoot them. Me, Oh I'm not in 'the Prisoner,' but my name sake is......Stimpson Haulage, along the M1 motorway in 'Fall Out.

I'll be seeing you


  1. That's great David, well spotted!

    1. Hello Rick,

      Well it's more than some can say, but not as much as most!


    2. So, finally it turns out your ancestor was perhaps responsible for furnishing the Village, supplying chairs, desks, light bulps, whatever. A cog in a machinery. ;-) - BCNU!

    3. Hello Arno,

      Well now you know, and business is business. Someone had to bring the milk, potatoes, ice cream and aspirins to the Village, it's simply a question of logistics!
      Yes, a cog in the machinery, but an importnat cog!

      Very kind regards

  2. There we have it: one of the questions that we encountered with the film "Cube".

    Perhaps a nice twist would be a story centered around the architect who planned and constructed the Village who would be imprisoned and interrogated for devising secret accesses and exits, surveillance technology and so on. Well, did he? - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Well I certainly like your thinking. If it was No.1 who was the architect behind the Village, then the architect certainly was brought to the Village to undergo interrogation techniques. To test surveillance technology. To devise escape plans, to understand himself whether or not his Village was one hundred percent in all details, that the Village is in fact escape proof! A story based on that would indeed be a nice twist, I quite agree.

      Kind regards

  3. I didn't have No. 1 on my mind, for that matter. But think of ancient Egyptian architects who, as is said, were buried within their tombs or pyramids when construction works were finished lest not a soul would be able to tell anybody about it. I'd rather have a person who was a cog in the machinery, in important one. Suddenly he'd find himself imprisoned, perhaps being accused and questioned for something he had helped to built but - maybe - without knowing what he did... Fanciful. - BCNU!

    1. Hello Arno,

      Ah yes, I see. We are back to 'The Cube' again! Imprison those in the cell they helped create, much like the Prisoner in the Village.

      "Suddenly he'd find himself imprisoned, perhaps being accused and questioned for something he had helped to build but - maybe - without knowing what he did..."
      That is what Michael in THEPRIS6NER-09 series found out, that he was partly responsible for the Village. Not so fanciful after all.

      Kind regards
