Thursday 6 September 2012

He’s Having A laugh!

He’s Having A laugh!
    Okay, ‘the Prisoner’ isn't exactly full of belly laughs, but then you wouldn't expect it to be. However there is humour, and humour is the very essence of a democratic society, as Number 2 once put it.
   No.6's sense of humour has remained strong and unimpaired.
   No.6 said of No.2 at the suggestion that he run for public office, Number 2's position in fact "You have a delicate sense of humour" he tells Number 2.
   The episode ‘The Girl Who Was Death’ is teeming with humour, although I fear Mr. X doesn't find it at all funny! However it has to be said that there is a vein of humour which runs throughout the Prisoner series. Number 2 of ‘The Chimes of Big Ben’ can find the humorous side of most things "I'll make you a handle for this door" Number 6 tells him "Ha, ha, ha, ha" laughs Number 2. Even during ‘Fall Out’ Number 2 maintains his sense of humour "A strange thing happened to me on my way here! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha" he laughs, and his laughter becomes infectious, even to members of the Assembly. And even when sealed up in that Perspex Orbit Tube Number 2 still sees the funny side of his situation "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"
   ‘Hammer Into Anvil’ is another example, when Number 2 is confronted by the bomb disposal operative and a small cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo! And "we even have our own little newspaper" Number 2 informs the Prisoner on the morning of his arrival "You must send me a copy" quips Number 6. And whilst doing as the caveman did, Number 6 quips to Number 2 "I may even invent fire!"
   No doubt you have favourite humorous moments within the Prisoner of your own which you could list.

Pat McGoohan Plays The Clown!
    Number 6 has just told children everywhere a blessed fairy tale. And the clown? Perhaps a symbolic moment, as Pat McGoohan has just been entertaining us with jokes, capers, and antics of all kinds during ‘The Girl Who Was Death.’ A demonstration perhaps of McGoohan acting the clown as Mr. X. If nothing else McGoohan amused us, and to say the least, ‘The Girl Who Was Death’ is something of a diversion from what has been, and small relief for what is yet to come. Which he will not find so amusing.
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha........ be seeing you."

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