Wednesday 12 September 2012

Is No.2 Value For Money? by our own reporter

    This No.2 has just returned to the village after a spell of leave. He is the only No.2 who was to have ever been allowed to go on leave in mid-term of office. He is also the most active, and accomplished No.2 the village and its citizens have ever enjoyed.
   Not this No.2 to become involved with No.6, as he has been much involved with his administrative details of the village. He has overseen the new mural in the Library. There's a new golf course, and clock golf. Not to mention the new 'Blue Zone' in the post, whatever that might be. I asked No.2 about this new 'Blue Zone' postal service. "Well, its err a little difficult to explain. You see new post boxes have been placed around the village. Well they are coloured blue, and you put your letters in the blue box which the postman comes and empties at the end of the day."
   Another accomplishment of this busy and energetic No.2, has been the electrification of the clocks, for which the citizens of this our fine community are best pleased with. But the question has to be asked "Are the citizens getting value for their credit units?"
    Although this No.2 has been most active in his administrative details, does his hard work really warrant a spell away from the village on leave? Certainly it is a demonstration of the trust which No.1 places upon this current No.2. But really, to have this No.2 brought back to the village after such a spell of leave, then to announce his retirement, boarders on the absurd! Surely it would have been better not to have wasted time and effort in transporting this No.2 back and forth, to and from the village, and a saving of public funds, if No.2's retirement had been announced before sending him on leave!
   I understand that this question has also been raised at committee level. I spoke with the Chairman of the Committee earlier today. He informed me that he would have to put it to the councils sub-committee first. Then upon their decision, the question of leave for in-term No.2's would be discussed in committee sometime at a later date.

Your own reporter
Photograph by No.113b

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