Wednesday 5 September 2012

Teabreak Teaser

    The black cat was laid claim to by Number 2 in 'Dance of the Dead, "Oh she's mine. She's very efficient." Yet we first see the Village cat in the previous episode 'Many Happy Returns,' in fact the cat is at Mrs Butterworth's {Number 2's} feet. So who does own the cat?



  1. Hi David,

    Number 2, I guess ;).

    Maybe the both cats are not the same. In Dance of the Death, there are at least two cats, I think. You can see them both, when one of them lies on Number Six bed, and the same time the second one is cuddled by Mary Morris.

    Kind regards

    1. Hi Jana,

      Yes, two cats, either that or there's been another cock-up on the continuity front! One minute the cat is lying on Number 6's bed, and the next there's the cat on Number 2's desk waiting to be stroked!!!!! If there's just the one cat, how did it get out of Number 6's cottage and into the Green Dome so quickly? Sometimes when I watch 'the Prisoner,' some of the editing of the film leaves much to be desired.

      Kind regards
