Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Therapy Zone

It's Your Funeral
Profile continued

 Monique – Number 50
Height…. 5 feet 3 inches {approx}
Weight….105 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. Blonde
Age…….. mid twenties {approx}
Nationality… English speaking
Village attire, white cap, orange and white stripped jersey, white slacks and deck shoes.
Wears a brown leather wrist watch on her left wrist
A young girl and most attractive
    What had this girl done to have herself brought to the village? This question has been asked of others, but not of one so young, and not of someone living with her father.
    As her father is so old, it is again reasonable to say that Monique is another citizen who could so easily have been born in the village, her parents having been brought to the village many years previously, her mother no longer with them.
    She lives alone with her father above the watchmakers shop.
    And like her father she too has strong principles and ideals, but un-indoctrinated ones.
    A pawn in the game of number 2’s, she is sent to number 6 in order to get him  interested in an assassination plot, not to organise, but prevent.
   She is a loving daughter who looks after her father, so close to him is she that she is ever fearful of what will happen to him, should the assassination succeed.
    But then without her father being there, what would happen to Monique? She would be all alone in the village, possibly without a friend and no support. She would never be allowed to leave the village, especially as she was born here. And so here she will end her days, after all you’re looked after here, for as long as you live, for however long that is!
    At first she is mistrusted by Number 6, she is seen as being one of “Them”.
   This young woman is not out to trick number 6, or to betray him as many others have done in the past. She genuinely wants his help.
Gradually she is grown to be trusted by Number 6, and Monique is taken under his protective wing and befriended to an extent as he helps her in preventing her father in carrying out his plan of assassination.
    Thankfully for Monique, her father is unharmed and the assassination plot prevented. Now she will need to protect her father from further harm which may befall him from the village authorities.
Whether or not Monique can protect her father remains to be seen.

The Watchmaker – Number 51
Height…5 feet 7 inches {approx}
Weight….154 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. Grey, balding with a little moustache
Age……. Late 60’s {approx}
Nationality….. English speaking, but with an East European accent.
Village attire, blue/grey piped blazer, red polo neck jersey, beige flannel trousers and deck shoes.
Wears steel rimmed spectacles, fitted with a tiny magnifier, hinged over the right lens, this so that it is easy for the watchmaker to carry out his close intricate work.
A widower, he lives alone with his daughter Monique.
    A most skilful man indeed, this watchmaker, he has no arthritis in his fingers which are as dexterous as ever they were. Otherwise he would not be able to do the work he does.
Not only that but he is able to create a radio detonator, from plans given to him by his fellow conspirator number 100 as well as the plastic explosive.
He has a skill in metal work, reproducing a gold replica of the great “Seal of Office”, as well as embossing both the penny farthing in the centre as well as the text around the edge.
    He is a man of strong principals, ideals and beliefs, a stubborn man who will not be dissuaded from his course of action.
A misguided political assassin.
He is also a man who is easily misguided.
But he does see the injustice of the village, that they are in a prison for life, all of us, but he has met no one who has committed a crime. He will protest in a manner they cannot ignore.
He does not see it as murder, but an act of assassination, which he sees as the only way to wake people up, to shake them out of their lethargy, to make them angry enough to fight.
However he is blind to the possibility of punishment for the whole village and will not be argued with, all he wants is to be left alone and to get back to his work, ‘must get on with my work!’
    If this poor old man has been so misguided by number 100, then it is safe to say that number 51’s principles, ideals and beliefs are not that of his own, but the cause and effect of number 100’s indoctrination.
But he cannot understand what is to be gained by letting them know what they are up to, the enemy? But as number 100 explained, they add to their confusion, they don’t believe anything they say or do, or intend to do. That is why they are able to carry out their plan……. Jammers.
    This man has been in the village for a very long time, he has a daughter Monique, so it follows that he once had a wife, who is no longer with him.
Why was he brought to the village? Well the village would need people with many skills, the watchmaker had one such skill.
It is doubtful that he was brought here as a prisoner, but came willingly to the village. His sympathies do not fully lie with the village, as he has met no one here who has committed a crime. And because of this his name would be added to the list of malcontents.
However despite this, number 51 has become quite accustom to living in the village after his long life here. Proof once again, that one can get used to any conditions if left open to them for long enough….. It’s called survival!
Number 8
Height….5 feet 6 inches {approx}
Weight….120 lbs {approx}
Hair……..light brown
Age…….late twenties
Nationality… English speaking
Village attire, blue trilby hat, colourful stripped cape, mauve and black stripped jersey, blue slacks and deck shoes.
    She is attractive and married, there is a wedding ring upon the third finger of her left hand.
She is efficient, follows orders but doesn’t think much of number 2 after she had so
Number 8 works in the computer room and a woman of authority, giving the order ‘today’s activity prognosis on number 6, number 2 requires it’.
She is efficient, follows orders as well as being able to give them, but doesn’t think much of number 2 cleverness, when after she had explained to him that an efficient prognosis must include a quantum permutation of the cause and effect of all supplementary elements, number 2 replied with ‘in other words the computer calculated the woman’s behaviour would change the behaviour pattern of number 6’.
    However number 8 and the people working under her, do not have full control of the machines under their charge. The machines twice programmed for a percentile   appraisal of their own efficiencies, and each time they refused to give back the information, by not returning the information to them!
This is a demonstration of how numbers are reallocated when such a number becomes vacant {Number 8 being previously Nadia, who left the village, then the white queen who was in love with number 6}.

Top Hat Official – Number 254
Height….5 feet 11inches {approx}
Weight….151 {approx]
Hair…….. grieving
Age…….. early fifties {approx}
Village attire, black top hat, white shirt, black tie, black suit and over coat, black shoes.
    The Top Hats attend any official function and ‘Appreciation Day’ is no different. In fact there are no less than three top hat officials on the balcony of the Gloriette along with a female member of the council, dressed in a bright red jersey, black slacks and black Top Hat, a black bow in the back of her hair.
    This Top Hat acts as master of ceremonies, for it is his speech which opens the Appreciation Day proceedings.
They also have the claim of being the original “Men in Black”

Number 118
Height….5 feet 9 inches {approx}
Weight….158 lbs {approx}
Age……. Late 50’s {approx}
Nationality… English speaking
Village attire, grey hat, black and white stripped jersey, grey flannel trousers and deck shoes.
Wheelchair bound
Resides at the old people’s home
He is wheelchair bound
An eccentric artist, he pretends to paint number 6’s portrait, which turns out to be an abstract of shapes and colours, but is pleased when number 6 agrees that it is a perfect likeness.
    An eccentric yes, but this man knows more than he appears to know at first. He knows about Jammers, of their plots of mischief to confuse the observers. That they don’t bother much anymore, tells us that he is still in close contact with at least some of these known Jammers.
    How long has he been here, who can say, how long has anyone been here in the village?
Obviously this man held out for only so long before he gave them what they were after, as he was then gracefully retired into the old people’s home.

Number 36
Height…. 5 feet 4 inches {approx}
Weight….135 lbs {approx}
Hair…….. grey
Age……..60 {approx}
Nationality… English speaking.
Village attire, blue pork pie hat, colourful stripped cape, red polo neck jersey, slacks and deck shoes.
    Once Mrs Butterworth’s maid, this woman appears at first glance to have fallen from grace in some way. Mrs Butterworth no longer in the position of number 2, would have been permitted to leave the village but certainly not her maid. Well any number of number 2’s may leave the village, but not ordinary citizens, not with the knowledge of the village in their heads.
So number 2’s maid number 36 would have had to adjust to life here in the village and without the comfort of having her mistress to work for.
However having been in such service, number 36 would be more than suited to the position and work carried out by the multitude of maid’s working in the village.
Other than this, perhaps a position at the Café would be also be appropriate for her, or working with the staff at the old people’s home perhaps.
    This woman has one weakness, a craving for sweets, she is quite unable to go a whole day without her sweets.
Nor does she keep a record of her weekly credit allowance, this has been all used up and will have to wait until tomorrow.
But thankfully for her, number 6 comes to her aid, for which she is no doubt extremely grateful.

Kiosk Vender – Number ?
Height….5 feet 6 inches {approx}
Weight….160 lbs {approx}
Age…….early thirties {approx}
Nationality….. English speaking
Village attire, blue baseball cap, blue trousers and deck shoes
    A rather brusque, rude and impolite man, who doesn’t have any such customer relations what so ever, but he does treat and deal with every customer as equally as the next.
With his attitude towards his customers, it is a wonder that he in fact has any!

The Butler
    It has been his duty in the past to serve each number 2, loyally and dutifully. However not two at the same time as on this occasion, number 2’s have crossed over before as the new incoming number 2 arrives, there has also been the occasional undercover number 2 as during “Free for All”.
    Having been reinstated to my position of Butler, valet and man servant to number 2, after being so wrongfully dismissed by a sadistic and paranoid number 2, now he finds himself serving not one new master, but two, and at the same time!!!!!
    So how dooes he serve two masters? Well it all depends upon which of the two happens to be in residence at the Green Dome, at the time.
The two other interim number 2’s have a strange likeness to two other previous number 2’s I thought, at first I thought…….. But no, it just wasn’t possible.
Number 2’s assistant number 22 seemed strangely familiar……. No, it couldn’t be, could it?
    To say that the retiring number 2 was much the gentleman, the new number 2 however, treated him just as a servant and with a certain amount of disdain.
    Have my loyalties been challenged or put into question since that dismissal from my position, or having? Certainly not, I am as loyal as ever, even when serving two such masters, he simply serves his master the number 2!
    Always at the centre of Village events, he was given the very great and honour, not only to present the great “Seal of Office” during Appreciation Day, but also to unveil the magnificent monument of ‘Achievement’, such is his standing within the community.

Next time A Change of Mind
Be seeing you

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