Saturday 1 September 2012

Thought For The Day

   In 'Checkmate,' when Number 6 and his confederates made their assault on the Green Dome, and tying Number 2 up in the process, where was the Butler? No doubt tucked up for the eveing in his quarters in the annex of the Green Dome. Perhaps he was watching Village television. Whatever he was doing, had the Butler been more attentive towards Number 2, then he might have been on hand to raise the alarm when Number 6 and his reliable men arrived on the scene! But as it was Number 2 was remarkable calm. He didn't attempt to raise the alarm himself. He didn't struggle when they tied him up, he just stood there meekly, while they tied his hands. Perhaps because he knew what Number 6 and his confederates were up to. And of course M.S. Polotska is Number 2's ace in the hole!


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