Friday 12 October 2012

A Favourite Scene in The Prisoner

    When after the interogation of Number 8, to determine whether or not she was tryimng to escape, or commit suicide., which in the eyes of Number 2 was most distastful. Number 6 demands that Number 2 let her go, to which Number 2 responds "Is that an order Number Six?" {Does Number 2 know something?}
   Number 6 suggests that Number 2 wants to make a deal, Number 6 says he'll make a deal with him. Let Number 8 go, and Number 6 will collaborate. Such a weakness in Number 6? It would seem that seeing a damsel in distress is a chink in Number 6's armour! But Number 2 is not to get too excited, Number 6 will tell him nothing. But he will join in, try to settle down, he might even do some woodwork for Number 2, and that's the best he'll get!
   Nadia Rakovsky will not be the last "damsel in distress" Number 6 will fall for during his time in the Village!

I'll be seeing you

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