Thursday 18 October 2012

The Prisoner And Me - Me And The Prisoner

    I've finished reading Thomas M. Dsich's novel based on 'the Prisoner.' I found it a struggle, to hold my concentration towards the end of the book. I believe the novel was far easier to read in the days when I didn't know 'the Prisoner' series so well. However it does still retain a certain sentimental value for me. Next up is Hank Stine's 'the Prisoner: A Day In The Life,' which as I recall is a far easier read, and much more based on the original series. However I have to say, that for pure atmospheric feel of the Village, I found Roger Langley's novel
 'When In Rome,' to be a very enjoyable read, and a novel I have not read for several years.
    Currently I'm editing together my newsletter The Tally Ho, which enjoys a modest readership. It is a newletter of the old school, which means there is only a paper version, it does not appear online, but sent through the post. Well I like to uphold the old values, that it's not all about technology, and I believe that The Tally Ho is the only 'Prisoner' based newsletter left. Oh yes Six of One have their glossy magazine 'Contact Imminent,' I've seen it, and to me it's all for show and not for blow! In otherwords it has a great deal of show, but very little content. In fact a friend of mine who reads The Tally Ho gained more information and enjoyment from The Tally Ho than he did from the 'Contact Imminent.' In fact a recent new reader to The Tally Ho said that it was the best he'd seen since the days of 'Number 6' and 'In The Village Magazines' which was very kind of him to say so. However it's not been easy to produce a 30 page newsletter like The Tally Ho, it's been a real learning curve for me, as the newsletter started out on a very basic level, and only four pages at that.
   Also I've settled on a design for the 2013 Prisoner calendar. An offical Prisoner calendar used to be produced and sold in the shops here in Great Britain, but there has not been one of those for a number of years now. Mind you they were always of the same design, but with different pictures. This will be the fourth or possibly fifth 'Prisoner' calendar I have produced, and I always try to do something a little different.
   Coming up soon, there is a visit to the Little Theatre in Leicester to see Paul Goslings one act play MAGIC NUMBER 6 which my wife and I are looking forward to seeing immensely. No doubt you will have read about the play in an earlier piece of blog. And I shall of course be writing about the play in my blog once I have seen it. The play has nothing to do with Number 6, but the relationship between Patrick McGoohan and Lew Grade prior to the production of 'the Prisoner.' It should be very interesting.
   And later in the month              19-22 OCTOBER 2012
                                            PRISONER EVENTS WEEKEND

Friday 19th October 2012
Sunday 21st October 2012 - PM
"The Prisoner" London locations walkabout tour
Borehamwood Locations Tour
Saturday 20th October 2012
The Prisoner Mind Mash
Sunday 21st October 2012 - AM
"Danger Man" London locations walkabout tour
For more information visit the Unmutual website.

I'll be seeing you

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