Monday 8 October 2012

The Therapy Zone

In The Village
................ Not Even The Dead Are Safe!
    Thus it has been written, because they see No.2 having actually died in ‘Once Upon A Time,’ then being brought back to life, resurrected from the dead in fact, during ‘Fall Out.’ But No.2 didn't die, for to use the actual word of command used by the President........ "Resuscitate!" Meaning to revive when apparently dead or unconscious.

Janet Portland
Had the Prisoner managed to get away before they came for him, the pair of Undertakers with their hearse and coffin, to disappear somewhere in the world. I wonder if his fiancée Janet Portland would have been brought to the village, in the same way No.73 was, so as to help find her husband?........ Makes you think doesn't it. That the village administration is not as infallible as we are given to think. Seeing as how one man can evade capture so much that his wife has to be brought to the village, and even then all she could tell them was that her husband was "He's still over there" "Where?" "Oh somewhere there. He had some work to finish." This poses the question, just how long would Janet have held out? Mind you having just written that, how could Janet tell them something which she doesn't know. After all I get the impression that her fiancé was doing a runner without the intention of taking her with him. Without even saying goodbye to her!
Danger Man
It was once written in an article that perhaps the Prisoner might not have resigned if he had such responsibilities as a wife and family to support. Well seeing as danger was an attraction for John Drake,that danger was his stock in trade, and judging hy the kind of work that he did, it seems pretty unlikely that John Drake would have married in the first place, so when it came to Janet Portland, she came as a bit of a shock really. Being engaged to Janet Portland might have been an indication that John Drake might have had the thought of settling down. Janet may well have put pressure upon him to give up his job for a position a little more less dangerous, an office job perhaps. But then if that was the case, where was he going in such a hurry after handing in his letter of resignation that day?
  Is something of a clever little episode, an episode which has four clear meanings.
A} The obvious reference to the game of chess.
B} No.6 loses the game, ie he is checkmated at the end game.
C} The white Queen is hypnotised into thinking that she is in love with No.6, and he with her. And by this means a possible mate, and Village gains a way of maintaining a check on No.6.

D} And by the title of the story No.6 has the check out his reliable men {mates} in the village, and those who are not!

Be seeing you

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