Monday 1 October 2012


   Giving birth to ones child is a painful, and stressful enough process as it is, but to give birth to ones son 11-12, even if he was conceived outside The Village, as M2 did in her hallucinating, and sedated state of mind. I mean to go through all the pain of childbirth, and at the same time M2 keeping her mind focused on The Village is surely something else!
    So, Michael was working for Summakor as an observer. watching people, writing reports on them, and sending those reports up to the next floor in the Summakor building. Michael it seems is partly responsible for The Village, that must have come as something of a shock to him. But of course Michael discovered what Summakor was doing, what he was doing, all those reports, those people he sent to The Village. So Michael resigned his job, and found himself waking up somewhere in the mountains and the desert as we witnessed at the outset of Arrival. Just as though after his resignation Michael was simply ejected from the Summakor building, and out into the desert! But the trouble with that is, it doesn't make any sense of the Summakor building in New York, at which Michael arrived in in his car! Because the Summakor buildings must be in the desert close to The village, as Six could see his counterpart two times Six standing on the street corner. Perhaps there are two places where one can exist at the same time, as in the case of the Shopkeeper and the "Access man" in the basement of the Summakor building. That would explain why it's possible for the people who were brought to The Village to go back to their other lives in the "other place," and why those who were born in The Village cannot. Because those born in The Village have had no other life, they come from no "other place," and therefore have no other place to go, and why "Village is best for them" as M2 explained to her son 11-12.
    The "Go In" bar where Two found his son. A Penny Farthing is suspended from the ceiling, we've seen it before in the episode Anvil, but here in Schizoid Two looks up at the Penny Farthing and gives a little chuckle to himself. Recognition from Two of things as they once were, homage paid to McGoohan's the Prisoner series, a nice touch.
   So, if Six and twice times Six become one, together they can beat Two. But according to the teachings of Village history there never was a Number One! So it seems that it's not just science that can be perverted, so too can the teachings of Village history. And this twice times six, and Six becoming One, would have sat very nicely in Fall Out!
    Two wants Six to kill Two, an echo from Once Upon A Time, and what's more Six still couldn't do it! There was another echo from the original series, the way the Shopkeeper reported the activities of Six and the impersonator of Two, to Two at the Clinic. I wonder whose voice the Shopkeeper heard on the telephone? A pre-recorded message by Two himself no doubt. This in the same way he hd pre-recorded his message sent out over the Village through the public address system about those who impersonate Two, who should be reported immediately as they are a danger to the Village.
   As un-Two we see Two's exocentric side of his character. The way he talks to 147 describing himself as being a traveller with no number. The way he enjoys his cherry cake at 147's home are but two such examples. But Two feels pain, I can see it in his face at times, despite his having "Deathly cold eyes!" Two might not show it too often, but he feels the pain of what he has to do to his wife, and must keep on doing for the sake of the Village, for the sake of the community at large.
   I thought we were getting in a bit deep when Six has a double, which I'm still not too sure about, and Two has an alter ego, which was really himself, I thought they had gone too far. But with  the Shopkeeper existing in two separate places at the very same time, as the Access guy in the Summakor building, "they" went one step further than too far!
    So, if two times Six doesn't exist, who cut Six's face with the knife?
    Since when did Two go about driven in a Bentley convertible? Obviously this is something we as the viewer have not been privy to!
    In some ways the words of the President of Fall Out ring true for M2, "Remember us, don't forget us, keep us in mind," for that is exactly what Two's wife must do. Otherwise it's a sad look out for the Village and it's community.

    The Village is a hell of a community, where everyone could possibly be an Undercover, everyone watching everyone else who might be suspect of being a "dreamer." So there are no Observers, well there are, but they are now "Undercovers," like 909. Oh we don't mind people being watched, spied upon, just as long as it's not me, or Two. Because when Two discovered that he was being watched, he didn't like that one bit. Oh he congratulated 1,100 on her ability and rewarded her with an ice cream. But this seemingly, nice, kindly old man didn't even give 1,100 time to finish her ice cream, before he had her taken away by men in white overalls in an old black Bedford van for therapy. I thought I knew to what lengths Two would go to, but I was wrong, and I still don't! Because Two will have anything done to any man, woman, or child. No-one is safe! See how he treats his own family. For once Two decides to bring his wife out of her sedated state, by the use of a black pill. A kindly gesture I thought, and perhaps the act of a lonely man who still loves his wife, and wished to share a few minutes of her company. But again I was wrong, because Two's wife asked how her son, 11-12, is now. Two tells his wife that their son is quite grown up now. How old is 11-12, and just how long has Two kept his wife sedated? This Two must he the prime candidate for the worst Two Of all time. And there have been a good number of Two's. Two-14, and Two-the Great, to mention but two!
   So Six is given a job, to work as an Undercover with 909. This is a trap, set by Two, who freely admits this to Six, yet Two wants to see if Six can turn this to his advantage, and goes to work, undercover, as a school teacher. But think what you may, something’s never change, and old questions remain yet to be answered. First of all, no harm must come to Six, Six must survive this, on the orders of Two. And in school Six asks the class who Number One is, and all the pupils put their hands in the air to answer the question, and I wondered what I was going to learn at this point. But it seems, according to Village history, that there is no Number One, and what's more there has never been a Number One! Well there you have it, according to Village history, and not me I hasten to add, Curtis was posing as No.1. What's more, Cutis is mentioned by Lucy to Michael back in New York. and it would not surprise me that Curtis turns out to be Two, controlling things back in New York. We shall see, unless you who are reading this live in America, then you know already!
   But for those who are of the opinion that THEPRIS6NER is so far removed from the original series, then you had better think again. Oh the two series are separate, and not at all physically linked. But the echoes, and the echo with the dying scene of 909, as Six turns up on the scene, 909 is still alive. Alive long enough to have a few last dying words, in the same way Cathy did in ‘Living In Harmony.’ An echo, and homage paid, yet 909 didn't wish it had been real. But saying to Six to go and find the dreamers. 313 is a dreamer, but I can make little of her drawing.
    I don't think much to the Therapy Zone. A tunnel with people simply wandering about, dirty, in well worn clothing. With mad barking dogs, and a Village guardian which absorbs people!
   It was nice to see a penny farthing in the bar. But that was there originally, before the museum in Cape Town was turned into a film set. But I'm pleased the set dresser kept the penny farthing in the set. A nice relic of the original series.
   Six has someone to care for, 313. 11-12 had someone to care for 909. And if 11-12 isn't very careful, there is a clear, and possible danger that 11-12 will turn out to be the same as his father!
   Why does Six have to keep waking up somewhere in the desert?
   Where did that hole in the ground come from? Was it made by The Village guardian?
   How many times has Two's wife been conscious since 11-12 was born?



  1. Good Morning David,
    There was an article in The New Scientist last week entitled 'What Is Reality'?I havnt had time to read it yet but it does have some interesting headings,one of which is 'Is everything made Of Numbers'........just thought you would be interested.


    1. A very good morning to you Anna,

      'What is reality?' An interesting title, and a question THEPRIS6NER asks. 'Is everything made of Numbers?' Yes, I would be most interested in it.

      Kind regards
