Tuesday 2 October 2012


    I appreciate THEPRIS6NER because it's different, because for me it refreshes ‘the Prisoner’ concept. In fact because THEPRIS6NER is more psychological, it's far more intriguing than the original series, and therefore I have always been eager to know what happens in the next episode. True I did find it difficult to come to terms with when I first watched Arrival, that is because there was so much going on, the Prisoner was meeting so many different characters, and there were the flashbacks, or was it flash forwards, to contend with. But a second screening soon helped, and I have to say it was the same with the episode ‘Harmony.’ But now I'm well and truly captivated by THEPRIS6NER. I have never tried to compare this reinterpretation to that of the original series. However one cannot but fail to observe the echoes from the original series, which I feel helps with the adjustment from the one series to the other, as well as linking them. The atmosphere of The Village being 1950's and 60's, and not of contemporary times in many ways. Yet a good many years have passed, when you think that 93, the former No.6 was an old man, about 82 I should say, give or take a year or two, if my calculations are correct
  Speaking for myself, I feel that THEPRIS6NER has breathed new life into the Prisoner enigma, not that the Prisoner can become stale, not even after these past 43 years or so. I still enjoy watching the original series very much indeed, but unlike other fans of my time, I can appreciate both series, and am happy to say that I've recently heard from others, by post, who like me, have an appreciation for this reinterpretation of THEPRIS6NER. They have yet to enlarge on why they like THEPRIS6NER, in the same way as I've heard from fans of the original series who have not taken to this reinterpretation at all, they hate it, think it's awful. But yet THEPRISONER has this in common with the original series, in the fact that you either love it, or hate it. People have written to me, or spoken on the phone saying that it's not like the original series, and that's why some fans don't like it. Or because it's not been filmed in Portmeirion. Well what reasons are they supposed to be? Because THEPRIS6NER was never intended to be like the original, but does give homage to the original series. And to say that one doesn't like this reinterpretation on the grounds that it wasn't filmed in Portmeirion, is no reason at all.
  No-one is forced to like it. No-one is being forced to watch the series if they do not wish to. But I find it strange that when someone says they do not like THEPRIS6NER, they do not, or find it difficult to expand on that. Simply to say "I don't like it," or that one finds it awful is fine. But it's like knocking on the door and running away.
   As a fan of the original series of ‘the Prisoner’ and have seen some, or all of this reinterpretation THEPRIS6NER, then I am interested in your views, love it or hate it as you will, but why?
   After all, if THEPRIS6NER had been the original series, and McGoohan had then later come along with his series, then THEPRIS6NER would be the favourite series, and fans would have hated McGoohan's series!


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