Friday 26 October 2012

Village Observation

   In ‘It's Your Funeral,’ the heir presumptive No.2 orders a daily activities prognosis be carried out on No.6. No.8 takes that report to the interim No.2, and during reading out the report No.8 tells him that No.6 is very active. Well just how active is No.6? I mean whenever I've seen No.6 working out in his own private gymnasium, it's someone else on the high bar, and it's someone else "cooling off" water skiing. In ‘Free For All,’ in a long aerial shot of No.6 escaping in the jet boat, it's not Patrick McGoohan. It's not even a's local man to Portmeirion, Brian Axeworthy who doubled for No.6 escaping in his jet boat in long shot, just as he did for No.6 when he was supposed to be water skiing!
  I met Brian once at Portmeirion, as an electrician he was installing a new emergency generator beneath the Pink Pavillion. For those who don’t know, the Pink Pavillion is where the Brass Band emerges from in ‘Arrival.’


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