Wednesday 7 November 2012

Caught On Camera

  Where's everybody gone?
   This is the result of revolution! It was a violent and bloody revolution, well perhaps more violent than bloody if truth be told. But why is it, that during the fire-fight with bullets flying everywhere, it is only the armed security guards who died? What's more, who took time to pile the dead bodies up on the dais like that? Because they didn't die there!

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,

    that's a nice image, quite symbolic! Thus, it looks as if the result of the bloody revolution is a bunch of people who tried to reach the throne but failed...

    Have a nice day! Best wishes,
    Be seeing you.

    1. Hi Jana,

      Now there's a symbolic thought. I like it, all those people who tried for the throne but just fell short of reaching it.

      Have a good day
      Be seeing you
