Thursday 8 November 2012

Caught On Camera

   I have not given this office much thought really. I've simply accepted it as the office in which the Prisoner hands in his letter of resignation. The man sat behind the desk, a bureaucrat, a man of perhaps no great importance, a cog in the machine you might say.
  It has been debated in the past just where this ofice is situated. Some believed that it is somewhere in the underground car park, just off that tunnel the Prisoner storms down in the opening sequence. For myself, I think it might be somewhere in the Houses of Parliament, after all the underground car park is but a stone's throw from the Houses of Parliament.
  Do you know, and I am learning this very quickly, that even after 45 years of watching 'the Prisoner,' there are still things to observe that one has never noticed the two world maps pinned on the wall. Why two maps? The one on the left has two white lights marking small areas on the map, perhaps indicating an area of importance, or where an agent might be operating. If that's the case, British agents appear to be few in the field!

I'll be seeing you


  1. When Number 6 visits this office in "Many Happy Returns", there are about 7 bulbs lit. I say "about" because 2 of these are quite dim and I can't be sure if they're dimly lit bulbs or something else!

    be seeing you

    1. Hello ZM72,

      Good to hear from you. 7 bulbs lit, I hadn't observed the others, well spotted. Jana will be interested in this, as simply for own enjoyment, she has been looking into 'the Prisoner' to see how many times the number 7 appears in the series. And this is another occasion.


  2. Actually, I was wrong about this. I used YouTube to have a look at "Many Happy Returns" which isn't as clear as the Blu Ray version. On the Blu Ray version of "Many Happy Returns", there are 5 white lights, 9 green and 8 red, but not all of these are distinguishable on the YouTube version.

    In the shots of the office in the opening credits, we don't get the same view of the maps so cannot check if all the lights seen in "Many Happy Returns" are the same


    1. Hello ZM72,

      Now look here.....I've just replied to your comment, and now here's another one from you countering your previous's all go here in the office, and so early in the morning! Here, we're not sympatico are we?
      No seriously...I'll check out the scene on DVD in 'Many Happy Returns.'

      Apologies to Jana, false alarm on the "7" front!

      Kind regards

    2. Sorry about that! I really should've checked the Blu ray before posting. Let this be a lesson that not all the "information" on the Internet is correct! "We all make mistakes, sometimes we have to...." etc.

      Your comment about it's all go has made me think what if No.6 drove to the car park, stormed down the corridor, threw open the doors... and the man behind the desk already had someone else in his office and said to No.6 "Could you come back in about 15 minutes". Or if the man behind the desk had popped out. Would've deflated No.6 a bit I think!

      be seeing you

    3. Hello ZM72,

      No need to be sorry at all. I haven't got round to checking 'Many Happy Returns' myself as yet.

      I like your thinking about the chap already having someone in his office, and the deflation of No.6. It's thinking outside the box, yes I like it.

      Enjoy the weekend
      Be seeing you
