Friday 2 November 2012

The Hitchhikers Guide by our own reporter

  Having won the election, you would expect that Number Six would be revelling in his victory, but not one bit of it! Number Six was caught on camera trying to hitch a ride out of the Village by helicopter. But much to Number Six's disappointment the former Number Two not only had to attain air clearance for take off, but had to report to Number One that he's being hassled by the  New Number Two2!
The new Number Two "Go on, no-one will know."
Former Number Two "He won't take no for an answer.......yes I realise that........."
"You don't have to take me far, just drop me off somewhere along the way, in the mountains even."
"..........Yes that was Number Six.........Yes I know, you had better send security."
The new Number Two "There's a word for people like you you know!"
    Number Six didn't give himself up to security quietly, there was a struggle, and as the helicopter lifted off the ground, Number Six made a grab for one of the floats and hung on for grim death as the helicopter flew out across he estuary gaining height all the time. Then suddenly Number Six's hold on the float slipped, and he fell into the water below. An Orange alert must have been sounded, as a few minutes later three segments, or orbs of the Village guardian arrived on the scene, and together they ushered the swimming Number Six to the shore.

Our own reporter
Photograph from The Department of Visual Records

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