Saturday 3 November 2012


   Here we see UnTwo enjoying an illicit cigarette with the Shopkeeper in the Village Shop, and judging by the expressions on their faces, they are really enjoying smoking those cigarettes. When UnTwo asked for a cigarette the Shopkeeper said that he didn't sell cigarettes, but the UnTwo knew that there was such a thing as "Under the counter" cigarettes. We don't see anyone in The Village smoking, no doubt it is no longer socially acceptable, which is the case in our society today. Oh and the brand of cigarette smoked by the UnTwo and the shopkeeper........Village cigarettes of course. The packet has The Village logo on it.
  Once upon a time smoking was the acceptable thing in society, and in the 1960's and 50's nearly everyone smoked, but today smoking is frowned upon. Banned in pubs and clubs, cinemas, and all public areas, not to mention. Smokers are banned to designated smoking areas, not to mention the street! Perhaps one day smokers will go into the newsagents to buy "under the counter" cigarettes purchased in plain brown paper bags, as the case used to be when men would buy their pornographic magazines in plain brown paper bags, where today such magazines languish on the top shelf in newsagents, yet cigarettes should not be seen by non-smoking customers and children!
    Both the UnTwo and the Shopkeeper know that cigarettes are illicit, but forbidden fruits {as we see them on the screen enjoying a cigarette} taste the sweetest. I myself was once a smoker. I enjoyed a cigarette, and a good cigar, and at times an Havana cigar. But I gave up smoking nearly 20 years ago now, well Morag wasn't very keen on my smoking, and I think I smoked so much while at work, that I smoked myself sick of them. So one night I said that's it, I'm not smoking another cigarette. And you know what, I never have, not from that day till today, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.

There's something dark and dangerous in The Village, and he's here, standing right next to Six!
    Harmony, the second episode of THEPRIS6NER, and quite frankly as I sit here I can't get my mind round it any more this morning as I could last night. Why is Six always lying in the desert? But at least Two got Six to admit to who he is, Six. And we learnt a little more about Michael, that he worked for a company called Summaker, and was connected to surveillance as an observer, watching people, writing reports about people living in New York. And he once had a brother, no I don't mean that impostor in The Village. A brother who was lost at sea, drowned, well you saw that for yourself. But how Six knew where that buried tin was, well is that simply a memory?
   Nice to be seeing a pair of twins in The village, 70, who tried talking things out with Six. Two doesn't believe in this sort of therapy, but then it's not important for Two to believe, just as long as Six believes! But did I say there was something dark and dangerous about Two, if I did, then I left something out, he's also twisted. I mean keeping his wife drugged like that, then sleeping with her!
    Most of what we see takes place out in the desert, looking for the ocean this week. An ocean through which the Village guardian comes along and takes 16 into the depths. A terrible way to die. But then, if the ocean was never there in the first place, when you think about it, 16's death was even worse for him than we saw on the screen.
  I think it was very clever of Two to give Six a family, through which Two hoped to see Six accept his situation through his brother, and finally settle down. It appears that Six used to work at the bus depot, as a bus driver!
  Harmony I found to be a surreal episode, with a surreal ships anchor in the desert, along with a long abandoned railway halt! It's all to do with the mind isn't it, and that takes some getting my mind round. 16 was never Six's brother, and people go on the bus tours of The Village day after day, seeing the same old thing, described in the same old way. And what about that Solar Cafe, rebuilt, as though the explosion in Arrival never took place. What's more there's something very 1950's about The Village. What with the Bubble car, and the black Bedford van. They come for you see, and in broad daylight, just like they came for Six, those men in their white suits and black Bedford van. They come for you, and take you to the clinic. I wonder what they'll do to Six?
    So surreal, with so much happening, I'll really have to watch this episode a second time before I can really get into it. Because I was determined not to give up on the series. And that was a brilliant Village guardian effect, the way it moved though the water, which really wasn't water, but sand.....poor 16!


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