Monday 5 November 2012


The Solar Café Blown To Bits by our own reporter 

   The headline may be a little misleading, and I'm admitting nothing, so just to clarify matters, the explosion which completely destroyed the Solar Cafe, is reported as being caused by a major gas leak. And it was just by sheer luck that my photographic colleague 16-82 was passing by at the time, and so was able to take these dramatic photographs.
  Several citizens were injured in the explosion, including Six, and medical staff from the Clinic were soon on the scene to administer medical assistance. There was just one fatality however, 455, a waitress who worked at the Solar Cafe. She was a friend of the late 93, and later seen talking to Six on previous occasions.
 What caused the gas leak is yet unknown, but it is a curious thing, that the only person to die in the explosion is 455 who was reported not only as a dreamer, but who was also getting close to Six. I did try to get to talk to Two about the explosion, but Two was unavailable for comment.

Our own reporter
Photographer 16-82

This is 455, a waitress who worked at the Solar cafe, and who died in an explosion, the Solar Cafe having been blown up, caused by a suspected gas leak. I have to comment that it's one hell of a way to have someone killed who was both a dreamer, and with whom Six was getting up close and friendly.
   It is thought that 455 suffered a Village death, someone who didn't truly die, but in her Village death was returned to her former life in the "other place." Yet there is another way of looking at it, because just before the explosion there was an announcement which Six heard over a nearby radio that was playing, about an apparent gas explosion in the heart of Brooklyn, it was a radio broadcast that only Six heard. So was 455 killed in a gas explosion back in the "other place" of Brooklyn, and her death mirrored here in The Village, and if so, what, or who caused that gas explosion, and was it by design?
   You see, not all the questions were answered in that final episode of THEPRIS6NER, there's still plenty left for the mind to conjure with.

   I thought that was very clever the way for Two to give me a brother, 16, and being made welcome as part of his family. I had a brother once, but he died, drowned in the Ocean, so what's my brother doing here in The Village? Oh and to try and compound this effect, Two gave 16 tickets to "Escape Resort," and they took me with them. A real family holiday. But of course 16 wasn't my brother. It was a cunning plan of Two's to try and make me settle down, to accept life in The Village. Hell I even got a shot back at my old job......a bus driver!
   But I have a dream, a dream of a former life in which I resign my job. I worked for Summaker. I was an observer, watching people and writing reports on people living in New York. But now I'm in a living nightmare, where Two makes me relive the death of my brother. The way Two puts a live hand grenade in my mouth and pulls the pin.......and then I woke up!


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