Friday 9 November 2012

Thought For The Day

   I wonder, could it be, and this is completely out of left of field, but was the Prisoner taken to The Village so that he can be made to remember? I only ask, or suggest this because in the American television series Get Smart there was a piece of information that 86 couldn't remember. So he asked to be put in the hands of the "Grill Team," so that they could beat the information out of him, so that 86 could remember what it was he'd forgotten! In this case it would be to make No.6 remember why he resigned!

Be seeing you


  1. Hello David,

    it's quite an interesting thought, that No6 perhaps doesn't remember why he suddenly went out.. If this is the case the village authorities as well as No6 did a good job in hiding their knowledge that No6 has just forgotten something. Or do you mean he remembers and they want him not to forget?

    Reading this I had a complementary idea: What if he was brought to the village to remember why he once accepted?

    Kind regards,

    1. Hello Jana,

      "What if he was brought to the village to remember why he once accepted?" That makes one think!

      Kind regards and enjoy the weekend
      Be seeing you
