Sunday 18 November 2012

To Hire A Gunfighter by our own reporter

      This is Frank, a more hard bitten, rugged, tough, and fast on the draw gunslinger you would not wish to meet on Main Street. Frank was hired by the Judge of Harmony, he's one of the "boys" you don't want to mess with. I've done some reasearch on Frankie boy here, and he's been around you know. At the age of sixteen he started out by shooting his father who was abusing his mother, after she had been captured by Apache Indians, but was brought back. His father treated his mother worse than he would treat a dog! So Frank ran away and began a career as a thievery, and eventually met up with, and became a member of  the Dalton Gang. Then later with the James boys, Frank and Jesse. He spent time with the "hole in the wall" gang, and became firm friends with Butch and the Sundance Kid.   Frank's robbed banks, raped, held up trains, robbed stagecoaches, and raped. He's murdered, killed, rustled cattle, raped, stole horses, and has a price of $1,250 on his head. I asked Frank why rape is mentioned on his "Wanted" poster, not once, nor twice, but three times. "Well, the truth of the matter is, I like rape" Frank said. So if you mess with Frank, you had better have a gun and know how to use it. Ladies keep off the streets, and keep your daughters locked up, and your cattle too!

Our own reporter.
Photographs from The Harmony Chronicle.

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