Saturday 10 November 2012

Tonight On the Video Channel

   WHY? Oh do we really have to go there? The question has been done to death! However that is to say that I will not learn something this evening via a re-screening of this episode, after all the main hub of 'The General' is education. The experiment of speedlearn is probably the most important experiment the Village Administration has had to conduct, according to No.2. But all Speedlearn produces are rows of cabbages, but knowledgeable cabbages. The thing with Speedlearn is, it cannot teach the student anything practical, like woodwork, or painting. And as it turns out a computer is only as good as it's programmer. The General can only answer questions when first programmed with the basic facts, that why it couldn't answer WHY? In other words, you can't take out, what you don't put in!
    This No.2 who has been brought back for a second term of office, despite the previous question about his health "Is No.2 Fit For Further Term?" But this time he has no direct connection to No.6, well not until No.6 makes the General his business, and begins poking his nose it where it is not wanted.
   I suppose one fundamental question of this episode might be, did No.12 die a hero when it looks as though he's trying to save the life of the Professor. Or was it an act of suicide on the part of No.12? I suppose it could be seen either way. But one thing is for sure, No.6 by asking the question WHY? did deflect No.2's suspicions of No.12 being a traitor in the Village. In this way No.6 was protecting No.12.

Be seeing you                            

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