Saturday 8 December 2012

Flapjack Charlie!

    He looks at peace now, but he's been through a great deal these passed weeks. Oh sorry, he might hear, I never thought! The date today is February 10th, well obviously it isn't, weeks have actually passed by. But to No.6, when he wakes up, it will be February 10th. The idea is to disorientate him. Several weeks have passed since he was taken from the comfort of his home, the mostache tells you that much. In fact he once had a full beard, but we shaved that off. The moustache will have to go soon, and his hair re-styled and coloured, then he'll not know who he is! While he's been here with us he's missed so much, the Village Festival for one thing.
   "What's the point in conditioning him to be someone else?"
   "What do you mean?"
   "Well it won't be much longer before we've got to turn him back to himself. It seems a waste of time to me!"
    "Ours is not to reason why."
   "Lets check the list. His left handedness?"
   "Mole removed from left wrist"
   "Favourite dish?"
   "He smokes......?"
   "Black Russian cigarettes."
   "Check. Jacket?"
   "Numbered badge?"
   "Twelve. What about the bruised fingernail?"
   "What bruised fingernail?"
   "On the index finger of his left hand."
   "Oh no-one's going to notice that. What possible harm can that do?"
What harm indeed!
Be seeing you


  1. Hi David,

    I like that idea. I just try to imagine what a dialogue with Curtis would sound like.

    "We have to bruise your fingernail"
    "No, you certainly won't. The tissue must not be .. hey!"
    "Hold still!"
    "No, I won't. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or bruised! My finger's my own."
    "Is it?"

    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Jana,

      Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, that's very good and highly amusing, well done. Wish I'd thought of that!

      Very kind regards
