Saturday 1 December 2012

Page 6

    You know they say I pace up and down the floor of my cottage, as you might see it, but I see it as a cell, like a caged Tiger. Well they could be right. But I do that when I'm restless, the door being locked and I can't get out. Its that blasted curfew you see, I mean who is going to start a fire here....... no don't tempt me!
   I did manage to get out one night. Well the cat was lying on my bed and I didn't like to disturb it, and when I laid down on my recliner this seductive female voice started to lull me to sleep. Well of course I was having none of that, so finding the French door unlocked, out I went and spent the night on the beach. If I hadn't I might not have found that body washed up on the beach by the tide. Nor would I have found the radio in his pocket, and it was because of that radio message that sent me down onto the beach, the evening of the Ball, looking for a sign from my world. But there wasn't any sign, not a light, boat, nor plane.
    I don't want flowers, I don't sign my number, and what's more I'm kind to animals, stick that in my file why don't you?

Be seeing you

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