Saturday 1 December 2012

The Therapy Zone

    The episode Hammer Into Anvil sees scenes with the Butler sacrificed, such as scenes 114-116 which were omitted. In scene 114 No.6 climbs the steps of the Greem Dome. Next we were to have seen No.2 ushering No.14 to the sliding doors. The Butler, on the other side, is polishing the handles of the next set of white hinged doors as they open suddenly. The little man stumbles  back as No.2 and No.14 pass. No.2 stares at the Butler.
    No.2: What are you doing here?
The silent Butler shows his polishing cloth and gestures towards the door handle.
No.2: Don't lie to me! You're working with No.6 - admit it.
The Butlers eyes roll helplessly. He looks terrified.

   There is one thing which has always been something of a puzzlement to me, as far as Prisoner film locations go, why 1 Buckingham Place? I mean who chose that as the location for the Prisoners house, and why?
    Many of the film locations used in the Prisoner have now long gone, especially in the Borehamwood area. And I've been reading about the supposedly resolved location for that runway along which the Prisoner hurtles along in his Lotus 7 during the opening sequence to the Prisoner - apparently its the Santa Pod raceway in Northamptonshire. What a load of old rubbish! I mean are we expected to take this at face value? Are we really expected to accept that Pat McGoohan went to all the time and trouble to go to the Lotus car factory in Hethel in Norfolk - to have the Lotus 7 demonstrator repainted - then have it taken to Santa Pod raceway in Northamptonshire in order to film it racing along for the opening sequence? Get out of here! Go to all that trouble when Lotus cars have their very own test track at Hethel, at the aerodrome - a runway.
    In any case, it is documented that the sequence where the Lotus 7 hurtles along that runway in the opening sequence was filmed on the Lotus test track at Hethel in Norfolk. Documented in a television programme which I recorded a number of years ago on video, a video which I do not have to hand at the moment. But I will search it out, and find the programme in question. But I am amazed how certain fans of the Prisoner will go to extraordinary lengths to prove something is incorrect, when it's right in the first place. I mean if its not broken, don't fix it! But for those who do try and fix it, first brush up on your research skills, and use a little reasoned logic in the process if you will.

FoOTNOTE: It would appear that I broke it and Tony McKay fixed it for good!



  1. Hi Dave - I've only just found this - ooch!

    Anyway - here is some very useful RAF Podington material. You can spot the large building in the trees clearly in some of the photos - the roof of which can be seen in The Prisoner titles.

    - Tony


    2. Hello Tony,
      That's very good, that building in the woods does it for me, definately Poddington. And intersting to see the airfield before it became Santa Pod raceway, and to see it from the air.

      Very kind regards
