Sunday 16 December 2012

Thought For The Day

   In passed episodes of 'the Prisoner' we have seen No.2s come and go, almost at the drop of a hat. We have witnessed an elected No.2 by the good citizens of the Village community. And then comes Appreciation Day, the day when the citizens pay homage to those who govern the Village so wisely. And in that regard we are witness to the Appreciation Day ceremony, as the citizens say goodbye to a retiring No.2, and welcome a new No.2. But just a minute....this new No.2 was already No.2, and interim No.2 yes, but never the less he was called No.2, and enjoyed the authority that comes with that position. So why does this new No.2 have to go through the quite ridiculous ceremoney of Appreciation Day, when he's already No.2?!

I'll be seeing you, on this coming Thursday, when it's Appreciation Day.

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