Monday 14 January 2013

60 Second Interview With No.58/The New No.2

No.113: "You seemed quite pleasant at the beginning, what made you change?"
 No.58: "Di passna"
 "Don't try that one with me, I know you speak English, and very well too!"
 "Lye ezeet a zoon."
 "Yes, even I know what that means."
 "Di passna!"
 No.113b "Smiles" {click goes the camera}
"So you were the new No.2 all the time. Just goes to show that there is no democracy in the village.
"Democracy is something we have dispensed with."
"See you can speak English."
"When I want to."
"You threw out democracy in exchange for a totalitarian society?"
 "People are looked after here...."
 "For as long as they live, yes I know, we all know! Tell me No.58, what is that language you spoke? I didn't recognise it, but it would appear that No.2 knew what you were saying, knows your language."
 "Lye ezeet a zoon."
 "You're just a hard faced......"
 "Di psasna."
 "You really had it in for No.6 didn't you?"
 "It is my trade, and why I was brought to the Village. We don't really want to hurt No.6, but we have many means and ways, and for him it is only the beginning!"
 "As No.58 you seemed to enjoy No.6's company."
 "I was his driver."
 "Surely more than that - after all you did accompany him to the Cat & Mouse night club, on a date?"
 "Certainly not."
 "But you liked him?"
 "Perhaps a little."
 "Then you took him to that cave."
 "The Therapy Zone, he wanted a drink."
 "And you instinctly knew where to take him."
 "And that is where I left him. What happened after that was nothing to do with me."
 "At Nurumberg were you?"
 "I don't know what you mean?"
"But you saw that No.6 took a beating for his trouble."
"He wasn't that hurt, only bruised slightly........"
"The tissue...... so the two mechanics got their own back? Well thank you No.2, perhaps No,58 would like to come round tonight and make my night cap for me!"
"The new No.2 gave a vicious look in my direction."
"Perhaps not, I said, and that's when No.113b and I took our leave."

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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